FestBatt - The BMBF Cluster of Competence for Solid-state Batteries
Collaborative Research in a Network with Industry and Academia

The FestBatt cluster and its participating research institutions are divided into various platforms. On the one hand, this allows material fundamentals and cell concepts for solid-state batteries to be further developed and individual, material-specific issues with particularly high relevance to be investigated. On the other hand, this facilitates cross-cutting issues and process technology aspects to be addressed holistically. The cell platforms work on the synthesis, optimization, and scaling-up of solid electrolytes of specific material classes (oxides, polymers, and thiophosphates), and on the development of suitable concepts for half and full cells in solid-state batteries. The cross-sectional platforms address issues and unresolved challenges that often affect several cell concepts. This includes both the optimization of cell properties by mixing different solid electrolytes (hybridization) and the evaluation of process chains, process engineering techniques, cost structures, as well as assessments of battery life cycles and hazard potentials (production). The work is supported by method platforms, which enable comprehensive and, in some cases, individual characterization for each material class – up to an in-depth analysis of solid-state battery cells during operation (characterization). Moreover, they lay the foundations for theoretical understanding and expand it through the interplay between experiment and simulation, thus solving existing challenges more quickly (theory and data).
All developaments are discussed in close cooperation with representatives from the industrial environment, the project management organization, and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), for which the management circle serves. The central coordination of the cluster is established in the accompanying project and enables a high level of internal and external networking for successful research- and application-oriented knowledge transfer between the platforms, the management circle, the international and national academia, industry, and the public. The networking is strengthened by the integration of the cluster into the BMBF umbrella concept "Battery Research" and thus explicitly by the intensive exchange with the other BMBF clusters of competence. Furthermore, FestBatt results are presented at various events such as industry days, exhibitions, trade fairs, as well as international and national conferences and symposia. Feel free to contact us: Whether at the next event where you can follow FestBatt or by contacting our partners of the cluster directly.